Wednesday, May 26, 2010

half of what I say is meaningless but I say it just to reach you

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

where are you?
i'm wilting.

i have little patience to begin, and now my mind won't stop.

i want to let you in.
i need to let you in.

pull me out of this darkness.
get under my skin.

i'm waiting, impatiently. i'm willing, with all my thoughts.

where are you?

i'm lost.

I couldn't make it 50 words

I'm too much of a bad thing.

I've never learned to share.

When I tell you that I don't, really all I do is care.

The sun is my rebirth,

I'm happiest in spring.

I stumble back and forth between chaos and serene.

You'll wish you'd always known me,

I'll wish they never did.

My contradictions speak themselves, as only I wish they could.

Take a chance, you're scared, me too.

I've learned to wish for what I never knew.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


How do I stop?

I'm making excuses, I"m putting it off. I say I want to have time for my life, and yet I hide, behind the superficial pain of nothing.

I stress, because I make myself. I lie, and I"m a damn good liar. I know the difference, I can see the insult, and I revel in letting it exist.

I have my ghosts.
They're winning.

I'm looking for my weapon of choice.

But I'm trying to defeat myself.

Friday, March 19, 2010

There's only so many times I can take a swing before my arms get tired and I miss.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Different music.
Different colors.
A fresh start.

What a gift!!!! I can't wait!!!