Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I plead the fifth, as in sexually.

The hope
Cascading down my fingertips

The breath, against my shoulders

Plunge, and risk.
Or stay, and never understand.

The one for whom my dreams come true?
Or am I just pinning all my dreams on you?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A Famous Person who's name starts with F ....F Kennedy.

There's a smouldering

trailing through the ashes.
A yearning, with a passion

The intoxication.

To spontaneously combust
at any moment.

Your thought left in my eyes.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

You kicked his ass upside-down, front, back, and sideways

Humor is hard. HARD. Have you ever actually tried, like consciously, to be funny for a long period of time?

Dayum son. That is some piece of pie.

Mmmmm. Pie, I think I'll make that cheesecake soon.

Butterflies in my hands.
Flitting through my veins
It's been so long since I've fallen

Could he really be the one to help me stand up?

My hopes are high
Much as my thoughts
I'm scared to crash and burn
The idea is there

See saw.
Roller coaster.
