Wednesday, May 26, 2010

half of what I say is meaningless but I say it just to reach you

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

where are you?
i'm wilting.

i have little patience to begin, and now my mind won't stop.

i want to let you in.
i need to let you in.

pull me out of this darkness.
get under my skin.

i'm waiting, impatiently. i'm willing, with all my thoughts.

where are you?

i'm lost.

I couldn't make it 50 words

I'm too much of a bad thing.

I've never learned to share.

When I tell you that I don't, really all I do is care.

The sun is my rebirth,

I'm happiest in spring.

I stumble back and forth between chaos and serene.

You'll wish you'd always known me,

I'll wish they never did.

My contradictions speak themselves, as only I wish they could.

Take a chance, you're scared, me too.

I've learned to wish for what I never knew.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


How do I stop?

I'm making excuses, I"m putting it off. I say I want to have time for my life, and yet I hide, behind the superficial pain of nothing.

I stress, because I make myself. I lie, and I"m a damn good liar. I know the difference, I can see the insult, and I revel in letting it exist.

I have my ghosts.
They're winning.

I'm looking for my weapon of choice.

But I'm trying to defeat myself.

Friday, March 19, 2010

There's only so many times I can take a swing before my arms get tired and I miss.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Different music.
Different colors.
A fresh start.

What a gift!!!! I can't wait!!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Kiss List

Enough said.

I'll elaborate later.


I'm looking up, and I can't see you.
But I know you are there.

Through the clouds, up up up.
I'm wishing on an unknown star tonight.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Finding your balance

We look over, under, around, and through.

What we don't understand is that we need to take a step back, stop looking, and just be.

We can never be more than we are now, at this moment.

Become still.
Let your mind rest.

Life is not a test, but rather a beauty that we get to experience, and each see uniquely, individually, and jointly.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Motionless Movement

I'm tired of waiting for the chance.

This stagnancy is choking. I want to move on. I want to do something.

Give me something to do. To occupy my time.
I need something there, something to be mine.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What do you say when there's nothing?

It starts with sitting under a tree.

I just want to talk to

Can anyone see the beauty in the simplicity of this moment?
Can't you appreciate
the scene.

Deep Two.

It's slipping past you. You don't even know it's gone.

Monday, February 15, 2010 just want to see

...your name in print
...flashing lights....
...a sign from the unknown.


Are you there?

I can't hear your silence.
I can't see your invisibility.
I can't touch your nothingness.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

(773): You're such a slut. (318): I prefer opportunist.

Words to the wise.

If you meet two guys in one weekend, and one happens to be a frat guy...go with the other one.

Don't get me wrong. I love my boys. Some of my best memories of life have been spent at that house, or in the company of those men. However, three years of experience states....

if the reason they're so awesome is because they party all the time, do you even want them to stop partying and settle down with you?

It's like taming a wild bronco....and I just don't have time for that.

Monday, February 8, 2010

...Sex in the Library

it's gotten to the point where i walk into the library and case the area for seductive spots.

i peruse the shelves, looking not for a book, but definitely for something to read.


i'm not looking for anything serious, hell, i don't even want to date. but a girl needs some lovin, ya dig?

Friends with benefits...come out of the shadows!!

....i've got handcuffs behind the checkout counter.....

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Lisa Kudrow is a damn fine actress....just sayin.

It's too much. It's all just too much.

Whirlwind of activity,
Would you ever see the day. where

once there was simplicity.
Once, I knew it all.

where to go from here?



left. or right.

running, running towards, and away....

out of time.